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 This utility is designed to be used in PCBVIEW.BAT.  The ARC filename you
 specify as the first parameter will be examined. If the file is a valid ARC
 file, a list of the files contained in the archive will be written to
 PCBVIEW.TXT.  When PCBoard returns from PCBVIEW.BAT, it checks to see if
 PCBVIEW.TXT exists.  If it does, the contents of the file are displayed to
 the caller.  Using this method, your callers will be able to see a list of
 files in an archive.


 In the PCBVIEW.BAT that is supplied with your copy of PCBoard, you will see
 the following line:

 viewarch %1

 Upon returning from running PCBVIEW on a file with an ARC extension, a report
 resembling the following will be put in PCBVIEW.TXT and displayed by PCBoard:

   Filename       Length     Method    SF    Size Now     Date    Time

 ------------   ----------  --------  ----  ----------  --------- -----

 PC-PR.EXE          69,776  Squashed   28%      49,824  14 Jan 91 10:40

 Total         1    69,776             28%      49,824


This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson